Phipps Pics

With a lot of waiting (and some bread) ducks are easily brought in for some great shots. This is a beautiful Muscovy duck. Lehigh Acres, FL.

With a lot of waiting (and some bread) ducks are easily brought in for some great shots. This is a beautiful Muscovy duck. Lehigh Acres, FL.

With a lot of waiting (and some bread) ducks are easily brought in for some great shots. This is a beautiful Muscovy duck. Lehigh Acres, FL.

Living in front of a healthy lake can always be a plus for a nature photographer. This Great White Herring just happened to be passing by when I was outside. Lehigh Acres, FL.

Originally the bright blue beetle caught my eye. Later during editing I noticed the cute little caterpillar blending in below him. This used to be titled 'Did'ja see me?' for that reason. Lehigh Acres, FL.

I always get a little scared shooting bees. Mostly because I tend to get really close like in this shot when laying on the ground gave me the best angle possible. Lehigh Acres, FL.

This shot was made by waiting, one change when the butterfly (or moth) was in front of me and I took it happily. Lehigh Acres, FL.

While walking from my front yard to my back I stumbled upon this little Black Racer sunning on my little brothers beat up toy truck. I found the contrast in colors interesting and took a shot before he slithered away. Lehigh Acres, FL.